We are so excited to announce that we have officially surpassed 100 members!
As of now, we have 103 businesses and organizations who are Nebraska Competes coalition members across the state of Nebraska. We represent 20 cities, 29 different congressional districts, and range from individual-owned businesses to international corporations. We appreciate each and every one of you, and are so grateful for your continued support.
Every day, we are proving that Nebraska IS for everyone, and we have a vibrant business community that is inclusive and open to all.
We’d like to welcome our newest members and thank them for their commitment to inclusion!
Marnie Bothmer Fitness Coaching
Kalin Johnson, PharmD, Health Advocacy & Wellness, LLC
Hearts United for Animals
Lincoln Arts Council
Lincoln Electric System
ACLU of Nebraska
Eagle Printing and Sign
Emspace + Lovgren
Prairie Loft Center for Outdoor and Agricultural Learning
Watke, Polk & Sena, LLP
Academy LGBTQ, LLC
Keep Omaha Beautiful, Inc
Hearthside Candles & Curios
Whether it’s joining us at the Capitol for testimony, spreading the news of our coalition, or implementing nondiscrimination policies into your own business, there are so many ways that you can be an advocate for inclusion here in Nebraska. If you’d like more information on the best ways to support LGBTQ+ individuals in your organization, community, and across Nebraska, visit our website at www.nebraskacompetes.org or email info@nebraskacompetes.org.